If you’ve got this far you know the deal. We can spot it a mile away. Yeah - real friggin lurve. More commonly known as love. L. O. V. Eeeee! Like Britt and Adam love each other and their fur children, I in fact love Britt and Adam (and quite like their fur children very much). I love what they stand for and all that deeper real stuff that defines the true gods and goddesses. But I what I love most of all is how funny they think they are. Because they are! And how much that makes them both laugh. And me too!.
So this is not a showcase of my work. This is not a documentation of my latest day at the office, this is a cross section of my heart openly dissected for all to see. Unlike surgery, it just happened organically. A smile here, a dedication there. Some more hugs, more laughter, some tears. And then blam, there goes my heart falling out of my chest cavity from the weight of all that love it was immersed in.
Kangaroo Valley Community Hall looked every bit as awesome as you’re looking at in the piccies, if not better. Thanks to these two who blitzed the engagement party 101 class and are now so far advanced, they’re newly wed graduates with high D’s all ‘round. Thanks too to Ebony Millard, Marriage Celebrant Extraordinaire.
To say it was my honour to be a part of all this blood letting, is an understatement. I’m all in one piece again, and stronger for the opportunity so graciously given to my by my beautiful clients.
May long beards and lovers stand strong!
Dean aka CloudFace