It was such a treat to be welcomed for the first time to The Woods Farm in Jervis Bay by Liz and Paul on their Wedding Day. Sacred spaces for me are made from the people that pour their love and joy into that environment. And for me that couldn’t be more pronounced than at this Wedding.
I’m seeing a trend with my work. It involves those pesky little droplets that form from the corners of our eyes. It’s sometimes the brides, but more often than not, the sensitive romantic men that I’m so blessed to be working with. Paul and Liz and their tears of joy will keep those sacred seeds growing tall both at The Woods Farm, but everywhere they go for lifetimes to come.
They’re all special, and some more than others. But for me, Liz and Paul’s Wedding rocked me emotionally in that unexpected way that takes you by surprise, and fills you with reassurance that love is a pure kind of magic.
Sending it all, magic love included, straight back through the matrix of the interweb, with these piccies - I hope you enjoy experiencing them like I experienced making them.
With Love and Gratitude - Dean aka CloudFace.